Saturday, May 14, 2016

3A: Interfacing with International Organizations: Charities

Taiwan has joined many international organizations such as political, economic, charitable, environmental, health, and technological, though most are outside the auspices of the United Nations which we are no longer permitted to contribute to because of their policy that favors recognition of The Peoples' Republic of China over Taiwan's Republic of China. 

Our group's main interest is understanding the workings of charitable organizations that Taiwan can contribute to or be assisted by. Do those charitable organizations really make this world better? What is the nature of their contribution?
We think World Vision (30 Hour Famine) is the best charity because we can experience second-hand the feeling of hunger that some people in Africa suffer. We plan to contribute to this fund-raiser in the future. We could donate shoes and clothing to those people but we wonder if it really helps much. We think teaching people to care for themselves is better than giving them handouts. 

Questions About Charities

1. Which charity do you admire the most?
Response: The best charity is the one that takes the least money for itself and directs the most money to programs for victims and people in need. The help should be unpolitical and aids all equally. 

2. What do you think about the influx of refugees into a new territory?
Response: If companies are permitted to cross borders to find better opportunities to make profit, people should also be permitted to cross borders to get a better standard of living. It is especially unfair for nations that create chaos and grief for common people in other territories, militarily destroying their homes and displacing families, to then deny these refugees permission to enter their lands so they can reconstruct their lives. The U.S. was founded on immigrants from other lands. The U.S. and other countries should never deny refugees permission to settle their; refugees should be welcomed and helped because immigrants make countries great by bringing in new ideas and culture.

3.Please tell us what benefits we will get by contributing to charities.
Response: First, let me say that "charity begins at home." You must help your family grow stronger and safer before helping others. This means raising the standard of living by educating yourself and seeking out the best opportunity, and starting or joining a worker's union to improve your work environment. Once you and your fellow workers have some security, reaching out to help others in need is essential to making a great society. Most people are victims of natural disasters or government and business policies. It will bring peace to us all if we reach out and help our neighbors. It will decrease the chance of our neighbors turning to a life of crime or drug abuse, too. 

4. We know charity has benefited many people, but can it make the world a better place?
Response:  If the charity is non-denominational (not religious) and not political (only helping a selected group of victims) then it can certainly help make the world better. On the other hand, some charities are like big businesses; they only help themselves and people who donate to them. Some charities only help people who are the sane religion or nationality as their organizers. That is very wrong and selfish. Never contribute to a charity until you investigate who they help and under what conditions. Make sure that they don't keep most of the money contributed for themselves, then the world can become a better place.  

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